IDEAS at DOM (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Allyship & Social Justice) is pleased to introduce the HEaR Initiative to the Department of Medicine.
The HEaR Initiative (Healing Equity and Reflection) aims to provide a safe space for individuals to process micro-aggressions and community trauma, to reflect on personal biases, to explore allyship, and to engage in wellness and resilience activities. The HEaR Room is a physical representation of the DOM’s commitment to a culture that supports all members in practices to heal from trauma, unlearn implicit bias, eradicate micro-aggressions, and lessen stress-induced burnout.

Located on 6th floor Wohl (room 6607), the HEaR Room is fitted with comfortable seating, meditation pillows, artwork that reflects a diverse community, a calming water feature, and a computer station. The room features a reading library curated around the core values of IDEAS as well as wellness and other related topics. Suggested uses of the HEaR Room include practicing positive self-affirmations and meditation, group discussions, wellness sessions, journal/literature discussions, and other programs. The room requires employee badge swipe for access and may be reserved for uninterrupted private time or small group gatherings. Please use the reservation system and door signage to decrease the potential for interruption during use and to facilitate user privacy.

The HEaR Initiative safe space was made possible thanks to a grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund led by Dr. Shayna Bradford a former postdoc from the Division of Nephrology, a grant from WUSM Becker Medical Library, and support from the Department of Medicine.
IDEAS at DOM in collaboration with Dr. Carolina Salvador, Director of Wellness for the DOM, encourages you to use and explore this space. Be on the lookout for announcements of future events and programs that will be offered as part of this exciting initiative.
For more information or questions about the HEAR Room, please contact Takisha Jethroe at or Jennifer Mosher at